Saturday, February 11, 2012

People Come in to Your Life...

People come in to your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime!

I have had a wonderful share of each kind, and each one has been a blessing I will always cherish.

Strange how life unfolds...I always thought I was close to God, a spiritual person. But it wasn't until I got sick that I realized I had so much more to learn as a Christian, so much more to absorb, and so much more to give.

Thank you to a special new friend and an enlightening and enjoyable discovery....Daily Post-it notes from God! Author, illustrator, and inspirer, Chris Shea:

(Picture God's sticky notes lined up along the sidewalk outside your house, each with a loving thought about you. They stretch out as far as the eye can see!)

"You know, don't you, how many loving thoughts I think about you?

"If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand."
Psalms 139:18

Sign up to receive the Daily Thought - a dose of inspiration sent every day to your email. Go to

I look forward, every day, to receiving these post-it notes from God. It is easy to see when some people are meant to come into your life for a reason AND a lifetime!

God bless,



Anonymous said...

Thank you Lisa! I'm in -I need that everyday! There you go helping us...
I love you!
Aunt Ellen

Aunt Wild Roz said...

I, too, am in. Just signed up and am looking forward to a little inspiration every day. I'm forwarding that site to all my friends as well. Look at all the Silver Linings coming from this! Love you!

Julie G. said...

I get the sticky notes too and love them! Thanks, Lisa! They are gentle reminders of His love each day.

"Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs." Ephesians 5:19

love you...