Saturday, February 25, 2012

An Attitude of Gratitude...

I recently came across the following articles by Joyce Meyer and found them to be so pertinent in my life right now. I hope these words give you as much perspective as they have given me:

"In Ephesians 4:29, the apostle Paul instructs us not to use any foul or polluting language. At one time, I didn't realize that this included complaining, but I have since learned that murmuring and complaining pollute our lives." - Joyce Meyer

First let me address the part about the foul and polluting language! I am certain those who know me well may think I'm not one to give speeches about using foul language, and they'd be right. I will admit there was a time, awhile ago ;), when, especially on the tennis court, I had quite the reputation for 'occasional' swearing...a type of tennis Tourette's one might say! Over time, with age and noticeably fewer partners to play with, I mellowed and it finally occurred to me I was PAYING money to play tennis, not getting PAID money to play tennis. I am thankful for the realization that, for me, tennis became so much more about lasting friendships than it ever was about fleeting wins or losses.

Enough about swearing, now let's talk about complaining.

"Complaining causes many people a great deal of problems in their lives and destroys the joy of anyone listening. I asked myself, how quick am I to become impatient and begin to complain when stuck in traffic or while waiting in checkout lanes in grocery stores or department stores? How quick am I to spot and point out the faults of friends or family members? Do I complain about my household chores rather than being grateful I have a home and family to care for?"

"I've heard the best antidote for complaining is thanksgiving. Truly thankful people do not complain. They are too busy being grateful for all the good things they have that they have no time to notice the things they could complain about."

"I will try going to bed at night pondering everything I have to be thankful for. It will be the first thing I do in the morning. I will thank God for "little" things or things I might normally take for granted: a parking place, waking up in time for work, a meal, my family, etc. I will try not to get discouraged when I fail, or throw in the towel and quit either." - Joyce Meyer

I will try with all my heart to live by the above words every day, but I'm sure there will be times when I will fail, when we'll all fail, and I pray we will always be there for each other throughout the ups and downs of life!

Disclaimer: Once I start chemo and I have ALOT to complain about, all bets are off! Ha ha ha!

As always, I remain so thankful for you and my gratitude is unwavering!!

This is a great song:

God bless and XO,



Mom said...

Dad and I will try too honey. You nailed admirable goal for all to strive to achieve. On a lighter note...... from now on, whenever anyone asks me how I am, I'll reply: "I can't complain." that willbe a good reminder for me! Love, Mom

Aunt Wild Roz said...

"You will be protected from the lash of the tongue, and need not fear when the destruction comes." --Job 5:21

Julie said...

Love the attitude of gratitude!!!