Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Cancer Brain

Now don't panic, I don't have brain cancer...but I do have cancer brain, a term usually referred to as 'chemo brain' - a phenomenon in which your brain is fuzzy, foggy, forgetful, and just about working at 25% capacity. But since I don't start chemo until February 22nd, I'm just letting you know - I have cancer brain.

Now I'd love to blame cancer brain for me not being able to help Josef with basic third grade math, but my family knows the truth - I couldn't help him with his second grade math either!

Sometimes I find myself staring at my iPhone not knowing which buttons to push, though I've had this phone for sometime now. Words With Friends is definitely out of the question, unless I don't mind losing by 300 points - which I do mind. Hanging With Friends, also out, as words with more than 3 letters escape me and anyone who plays this game knows you need 4 minimum to make a word. So I usually just pick People Magazine or TMZ...so my brain capacity for celebrity gossip is functioning at about 60%.

So if you get an odd email, card, phone call meant for someone else, or I call you by another name, just go with it...because I'm sure you were on my list of favorite people to contact sooner or later.


Wait, what's MY name again?


Mom and Dad said...

Oh, Sweetie.....this too will pass!! It then returns at about 65 or 70. Where Dad and I are still confused and trying to figure this whole thing out, you can just call on your past experience.......if you can remember it, that is.

Aunt Wild Roz said...

That "cancer brain" thing is a myth! According my sons and their wives, my brain is still sharp enough to repeat stories word for word - over and over and over...