Thursday, October 15, 2015

New Shoe for Chickie-Poo

I promised Steve I would never take my new chickens to the Vet - ever. It was either that or no chickens. I justified that this promise wouldn't be hard to keep because, well, what could go wrong with a chicken?

Turns out, a lot. 

I noticed yesterday that my Frizzle chick was moving kind of funny...and on closer inspection I could see that one of her toes was bent under her foot and she was actually walking on it. :(

After a lot of Googling, I discovered this can be a problem in chicks. At first I cleared my schedule and with my phone in hand, got ready to call the Vet. Until, that is, the Angel on my shoulder politely reminded me about the promise I made to Steve. The Devil on my shoulder was whispering "Steve who?"

But realizing I like Steve and I'd like to stay married to Steve, I decided to try to deal with this on my own. So with some Duct Tape, a few toothpicks, and a Bandaid or two, I made a tiny corrective shoe for my chickie poo to wear. 

Today I removed shoe #1 and there is already an improvement so I re-fitted her with a fashionable blue shoe - one which I plan to leave on now for a few days. So far the other chickie poos are giving it an occasional investigative peck or two but then ignoring it. I think they're actually jealous. 

Call me clucking crazy...but I think chickie poo likes it. Tiny matching purse coming soon. 

(Shoe #1)

(Blue shoe #2)



Thursday, October 8, 2015

Faith, Family, Friends....and a Flock!

With my two oldest chicks out of the nest and off to college, I finally fulfilled a long time item on my bucket list...I got baby chicks! Bantams to be specific - they are 1/4 to 1/5 the size of a regular chicken, and their eggs are similarly proportioned compared to their larger relatives. 

My kids and I have wanted chickens for as long as I can remember and I have a couple of wonderfully experienced chicken farming friends who have been amazing resources as I mother my new babies.

I can't say Steve is 100% on board, but he hasn't taken out the frying pan yet and I've even caught him snuggling a chick or two when he thought I wasn't looking. I convinced him that with one kid left in my nest, the timing was now - while my 13 year old chick was still eager to help with raising the hens!

My daughter was a bit disappointed I waited till she left for college to start a flock, but nevertheless she is just as enthused from afar as we are about naming and imagining what these little balls of fluff will become in the next few months. 

I can now add Chicken Farmer to my list of things I always wanted to become. I am enjoying every minute of designing and having their hen house built. Do I think these chicks are partially filling an empty spot in my heart with two of three kids gone from my home? Possibly - and that's not to say my kids can be replaced by balls of feathery and heavenly fluff...but they sure are a fun distraction!

Come see me for free eggs and a coop tour in about 6 months....

(4 of 7 chickie poos)

Now who doesn't love a fluffy chicken butt?

