Sunday, February 12, 2012

Is This Real Life?

Monday morning, I will be going in for surgery to install my chemo port. It is a device that goes under the skin near my collar bone and connects a catheter to a vein. This way, chemotherapy drugs and blood samples can be drawn many times, with less discomfort than a regular needle stick. Oh goody!

Sometimes, when I'm talking out loud to others (or admittedly, talking quietly to myself) I say "Is this real life?". I find myself feeling as perplexed as that poor kid David after the dentist on YouTube....oh how I wish it were just a tooth pulling!!

I'm going to ask my doctor if I can hook my port up to chocolate fountains and barrels of wine....

I hope I get the same drugs as David:




Julie G. said...

I took care of you when you were on vicodin. You weren't too far off from David :)

Aunt Wild Roz said...

I still have my port, Sweetie, and they still use it to draw blood and a couple of other things. My boyfriend oncologist says maybe I can have it removed when I hit the 5-yr. survival mark this May. Each passing day is another milestone on the road to survival, eh? We ROCK, you and I!