Monday, May 21, 2012

My Dear Friends...

"As a face is reflected in water,
so the heart reflects the real person." Proverbs 27:19

The end of May marks the end of four delicious and comforting months of lovingly prepared and faithfully delivered meals by friends and neighbors! It meant so much to my family and me to be able to sit down together and share dinner several times a week due to the regularly scheduled thoughtfulness!

With each delivery, Steve and I were able to repeatedly remind our children how blessed we are to have such an amazing support system during these difficult times! I am certain that because of your examples of generosity, my children will become better friends to others in need someday!

In particular, I am truly blessed to have a friend like Carrie, who took the time and care to arrange the meal calendar for the past four months and who got the word out to so many people who then took time out of their own busy schedules to make our lives easier during an unimaginable hardship.

God bless you Carrie and ALL my excellent chef friends for giving us such wonderful gifts of food and comfort!

"A friend loveth at all times." Proverbs 17:17


Aunt Wild Roz said...

I, too, wish to thank all of you for talking such good care of my sweet niece/goddaughter. Being so far away in Nebraska, I couldn't help out with meals. (Of course, since I can't cook, I would have just had pizza delivered anyway.) But God bless you all for sure!

Julie G. said...

I would like to also thank you. I shared in eating some of the meals and they were could taste the love.

Having not had to make them myself, my time was freed up to spend with Lisa and her family.