Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Warning: You May Die Sooner.

I had to laugh today...I got a very expensive ($4000.00) shot today, thank God it's covered by my insurance! The shot will help boost my hemoglobin count, which has dipped quite low due to chemo and has greatly contributed to my fatigue.

The shot came with a release form I was made to sign before I could get injected. Listed under the warnings and possible side effects: Stroke, heart attack, blood clots, and this next one is word for word - you may die sooner.

Sooner than when?? As I said, I had to laugh.




Julie G. said...

I suppose the rest of the sentence was ...sooner than you want.

That is too funny! I wonder if anyone else has ever read it.

Glad to see you haven't lost your sense of humor : )

Hope the shot helps. At that price, it better!

Aunt Wild Roz said...

Lisa? You still with us? Helloooooo?