Monday, April 16, 2012

The Kindness of Friends...

There are so many kindnesses my friends have shown me...from organizing and providing meals to washing and folding laundry (even picking up dirty socks and underwear!) to carpools for my kids to providing me with colorful scarves to wear to giving TLC to my horses to silent prayers to continually sending words of encouragement and so much more!

My dear and long time friend, Phyllis, was ever so kind and gracious enough to take BOTH of my very active and large dogs for the past three months while I recovered from my mastectomy and began chemotherapy. I cannot begin thank her, her family, and ALL my friends enough for EVERY act of kindness given to help me through this! You have all forever changed me for the better and I will never forget.

"Your kindness will reward you..." Proverbs 11:17

I asked Phyllis to bring my dogs home today, in large part, because I'm 'dying' (pun intended) for some normalcy in my life, and also because having them home will force me to take much needed and doctor prescribed daily walks. I took my first walk today in months (actually got a few blisters on my previously slipper wearin' feet!) and couldn't help but notice how beautiful everything around me truly is!

Below are some pictures I snapped while out and about.

"Let the earth be glad." Psalms 96:11

Today, I truly am!!



Aunt Wild Roz said...

Beautiful scenery, beautiful dogs, beautiful people! I hope you continue to be strong enough for your daily walks with the dogs and God. It'll do your body good. Love you.

Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa!
I enjoyed your flowers and seeing you with your boy and dogs! The flowers are gifts...looking closely there is so much beauty to behold:)Please continue with the photos not only of your walks but all around you even in the house. It will be a haven where you will "see" with your heart and soul. Sending Love and Prayers,Aunt Ellen

Julie G. said...

I love the little blue ones! Oh, and the smiles too!