Monday, August 13, 2012

Cancer vs. College Applications

As my 17 year old son begins his senior year of high school, he is also preparing to begin his college applications, complete with essays, letters of recommendations, etc. Not to mention come face to face with not so distant looming deadlines.

It can be overwhelming (seems so more for me, not him) especially as this is our first to embark on this path. I have had to remind myself frequently that I battled cancer and went through chemo, so what are a half dozen college applications going to do to me that cancer could not??

For me, it's all about keeping things in perspective. I'm more than ready to put this past year of cancer and its affects behind me and get back to focusing on my family and being a mother full time again. But I would like to think our experience with cancer gave them perspective as well and better prepared them all (particularly my oldest son), for a life of both joy and adversity, for life in college, and worst case, for life without me.

I intend to enjoy every moment of this next year as my son prepares to graduate high school in less than 9 months time and go off to college at just about this time next year. It may seem like a long ways off for most, but it was just about this time last year when I found my lump and began a journey that would change us all for the rest of our lives.

I intend to not let stress and the rigors of the coming year dictate our lives. I will speak with encouragement often, I will give my love always, and I will never forget the reason why I must do those things every, yes, perspective.

"Watch your thoughts, they become words. Watch your words, they become actions. Watch your actions, they become habits. Watch your habits, they become your character. Watch your character, it becomes your destiny." ~Author Unknown


Julie G. said...

The right perpspective can make a half empty glass look half full.

I'll be walking the road to college with you : ) What a blessing!


Uncle Jim said...


Someone once said that adversity does not build reveals it. I believe that you and your family are ready for the next chapter in your lives. Like a good novel, I cannot wait to see what happens next.


I do not remember the situation, but my mother was asked whether a glass is half empty or half full? She replied: "it depends on what is in the glass".

Uncle Jim

Julie said...

Uncle Jim,

As always, Grandma was right : )