Friday, August 24, 2012


Oh the pain! Yes, I'm in terrible pain from this latest surgery, but it is more than is a one year culmination of months and months of varying degrees of pain that I am feeling now.

Almost every time I have been touched by doctors, nurses, lab workers, etc., it has caused me pain, mostly pretty awful pain.

To put it simply, I have had an overexposure to excessive pokes, prods, pricks and surgeries, and to give you just a small example, it took the pre-op nurse 4 painful failed attempts with a big catheter needle before the anesthesiologist was successful at placing my IV prior to surgery.

Am I developing Aphenphosmphobia- a fear of being touched? No, not likely. But my increasing irritability at being touched is one odd and disconcerting side effect I was not counting on after going through all this stuff.

Even my cats have been banished from the rogue claw is about the last thing I can take. :(

Please pray for me.


Suzie said...

I'm so sorry friend.

It seems you've had more than your share. You're always in my prayers, I will continue to ask for healing and peace.


Julie G. said...

Keeping you and your family in prayer daily.

Rest as much as possible.

love you always...