Monday, July 2, 2012

Fuzzy Wuzzy...

...had no hair...until now!

Three weeks after my last chemo, if you look in just the right light, you can see tiny hairs, almost like duckling fuzz, growing on my head!!

It is a subtle sign that life is moving forward in a positive direction!

And speaking of moving forward, I received the first of many quarterly Lupron shots last week. The Lupron will keep me in a post-menopausal state, which will keep me from producing estrogen - one of the hormones that fueled my tumor. Next week, I begin the Tamoxifen, and a few weeks later I begin three years of bi-annual bone strengthening infusions of Zometa, the latest medical advancement to try to prevent the cancer from returning.

I've been told by my Dr. that the milestone for becoming a survivor is now 10 years rather than 5. I'd be lying if I didn't admit I feel worry every day that sometime in the next few years, I will have an ache somewhere, or a persistent headache, only to discover the cancer has returned. This is not an attitude of negativity, and it is not just a matter of 'thinking positive' - it is simply a factual way of thinking that takes place once you've had cancer, chemo, surgeries, and lots of drug therapy. Cancer will always be on my mind and will always be a part of my life.

The ONLY positive to come from all of this is that I hope to continue to live my life in constant appreciation for my faith, family, friends, and good health.

This past weekend was my first real outing since my mastectomy in January...Steve and I traveled to St. Helena to attend the wedding of the daughter of dear family friends. It allowed Steve and I to reminisce about our own wedding, as the reception was in the same wine cellar where we celebrated our marriage 21 years ago this coming October. I was then, and I still am today, the luckiest girl in the world!


Suzie said...

I love the pictures!! You were beautiful then and still are today!!

Sue and Larry said...

My Dear Lisa,
I doubt that you will ever know the lives you have touched in the writing of your journey. Many times you have left us speechless by your constant strength, humor, prayer and smiles along the way. God is with you always! Love,
Sue and Larry

Julie G. said...

And they lived happily ever after...

Aunt Wild Roz said...

I understand your feelings. I, too, continually have "its return" in my mind. And I'm disappointed to hear about 10 years rather than 5, as I just hit my 5-yr. mark. But you're right...all-in-all, you and I are very lucky! I enjoyed the photos. You're a fantastic looking couple - then and now. I love you both.