Sunday, September 8, 2013

Book Signing Blessings!

This past weekend (with scheduling help from my sister, Julie, my sister-in-law, Caryn, and my mom, Sanya) I held book signings for May God Bless You with an Angel at Majesty Bible and Gifts in Rocklin and at Face in a Book in El Dorado Hills. I am truly grateful to the owners and staff at these respective bookstores for allowing me to spread the word of God and my message of hope to so many wonderful people. I am blessed. 

Please join me for my next book signing as I celebrate being One Year Clear of Cancer at Rakestraw Books, 550 Hartz Avenue, Danville, CA on Saturday, September 28th from 3:00-5:00pm!  Cake Pops will be served!


Julie G. said...

So much fun! Glad to be a part of it!

Aunt Wild Roz said...

Wish I could have been there! Glad it went well!