Thursday, November 10, 2011

Nobody Likes a Whiner...

Lets face it, nobody likes a whiner...but I am going to take a moment (at 2:28am) to whine when sleep evades me and my mind goes to scary scenarios. I have tried to be positive and have a good attitude - but I do, after all, have CANCER! Not a cold sore...not a cut finger...not a head cold, but cancer. And words like INVASIVE are not fluffy or harmless in the dead (pardon the death reference) of night.

I can't stop thinking about my friend, Darra, who battled breast cancer AND had the 'two year clear' only to die unexpectedly because cancer snuck back in where no one was looking.

I'm's stinks.

'Be Calm and Carry On' is a quote I recently read somewhere and strangely, for the most part, cancer does cast a calming net (along with sporadic anxiety attacks such as the one I'm sharing with you now). I really have tried to feed the 'good' wolf (see previous post!) more often than not, but sometimes the 'bad' wolf demands food too - and it's usually in the middle of a sleepless night such as this...I suppose, in the future, I should rethink feeding him chocolate cheesecake right before bedtime.

Fear not...the good wolf will be hungry again soon....sleep tight!


Uncle Denny said...

Lisa...I don't memorize many Bible verses but one always comes to mind in my time of need...Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future"

I believe God's promise with all my heart! Love, FU Denny

Anonymous said...

Lisa, It IS scary and I think you are doing an amazing job of not feeding the bad wolf except as needed. It's better to know he is there and feed him, than ignore him and let him surprise you! At least that has been my take on the bad wolf. Think of you everyday.

Anonymous said...

Lisa, it IS scary and I think you have done an amazing job of handling the 'bad wolf'. It's better to feed him once in awhile than let him surprise you. At least that is my take on the 'bad wolf'. I think of you every day.

Sue and Larry said...

Oh my dear friend. You have the right to whine. We wished you had when you were with us today. Our shoulders are here for you. We fed your fish love, hope, and genuine support and jelly donuts will be coming soon.
Big Hugs and the ooga booga is happpening as I type.
Sue and Larry

Julie said...


Please call me at 2:27am next time...I'm used to whining, so it's allowed.


MOM said...

Actually, we love a whiner. Love, Mom and Dad

Jared said...

You bring the whine, I'll bring the cheese. We're praying for you!

Aunt Wild Roz said...

Well, Honey, it's been my experience that when you have cancer, whining works. I got meals, gifts, cards, name it. Keep playing that cancer card; it knocks the fear down a notch. And on a more serious note:

"But they that wait upon the Lord
shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles;they shall run,and not be weary;and they shall walk,and not faint."
Isaiah 40:31

Uncle Jim said...

Mickey told me last night that she remembers the first time she met you. It was at Mom & Dad's house. Your mother said: "She's a handful"...that's what they called it back then.

I believe this will be your finest hour!

All my love,

Uncle Jim said...


I pray that you continue your journey with the courage that you've shown to this point. I also pray that God will provide you and your family some relief from this heavy cross during the Christmas season.I wish I could give you a hug.

Love, Uncle Jim