Thursday, November 17, 2011

Not a solar eclipse...

I may glow in the dark after my lymphoscintigraphy (yes, that's a real word!). Below is a picture of truly modern medicine. After a radiologist injected me with radioactive dye in the hope of finding sentinel node (think Paul Revere of lymphnodes!), they took this photo of the injection site (large dot) and sentinel node (small dot). Next they marked the area with sharpie (not just for school work anymore!) so my surgeon can more easily locate the lymphnode during surgery Friday. Truly amazing!

1 comment:

Aunt Wild Roz said...

Looks like a cigarette burn I got in my nice white shirt years ago when I used to do the dirty deed before my lungs tried to kill me. This time I'm praying especially hard that your surgeon woke up Friday feeling great and ready to fight the good battle with you. God bless you and your medical staff. Love you, Dear!