Monday, May 5, 2014

In the Arms of an Angel

My dear friend Carol, a friend I met when I was first diagnosed and began my battle with cancer, sadly lost her own battle this past Saturday. She was a true testament to what it means to persevere in the face of an unimaginably difficult circumstance. 

In the short two years I was blessed to know her, I can't recall a time when she didn't have a loving smile or when she wasn't giving encouragement to me in my own fight. Knowing Carol was truly one of the best things to come from having cancer. 

After just seeing my friend a little more than a week ago, I am still stunned by this news and broken hearted for her husband, children, grandson of only 8 months, family, and for the numerous friends who loved her dearly. 

Though she must have experienced tremendous pain and suffering in her final weeks, she stood strong and never let on she was nearing the end of her life. Therefor her recent passing came as a surprise. In typical loving fashion, I don't think Carol wanted to let on how dire her situation had become - she was the epitome of grace. In the arms of an Angel and in the Kingdom of Heaven, I know my friend is free from pain,
with God at her side, as always. 

She was a wonderful wife, an amazing mother, an inspirational mentor, and a true friend. 

I will miss her every day. 

"For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us." ~ Romans 8:18

My beautiful sisters in battle Diane (middle) and Carol (right). 

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