Friday, October 21, 2011

Health Update

Dear family and friends,

I started this blog to keep everyone updated on my fight with breast cancer...and to let you know how much I cherish your support and friendship! There is not one card, email, phone call, or text that is missed by me! Although I may not be able to respond as timely as I would like, please don't stop reaching out because there will come a time when I will need your support at just the perfect moment.

After finding a lump in my breast and undergoing a lumpectomy, I was diagnosed with Ductal Carcinoma In Situ and Invasive Breast Cancer with cancer broadly in the margins (the surgeon was not able to remove all the cancer from my breast). I have since met with a Radiation Oncologist, a Chemotherapy Oncologist, and a Geneticist to discuss my options for treatment. I underwent a Neuroscan MRI just today to rule out additional breast cancer lesions. Based on the results of the MRI and the genetic test, my surgeon will recommend the best course of action going forward. Steve and I will be meeting with her again Friday October 28th.

If you'd like to get further updates, please submit your email address and you will receive an email each time I update this blog. Also, please feel free to post comments! I'm notified after each one and I would love to hear from you.

I plan to "Fight like a girl" and please keep up the rally cries!




MOM said...

Onward and Upward our Brave Girl! love, Mom & Dad

Garth and Rita said...

All our love and support! We are your biggest cheerleaders! Let us know if we can do ANYTHING! May God extra bless you and your family. Love and Hugs, Garth, Rita, Derek and Alaina.

Lisa N. said...

Lisa, You are in our thoughts and prayers. How can we help? If anyone can fight like a girl and win, it's YOU! Love, Lisa & Ed

npw said...

Can you feel the good thoughts rolling your way all the way from the East Coast? I hope so! Thank you so much for reaching out and keeping me informed. I know it has been a few years since we were able to see each other every day but I still consider you one of my best friends. :)
Keep fighting the good fight, Shmoopie! Love to you, Steve and the kids.

Anonymous said...

Lisa....Believe it or not I am at a loss for words. Just know we will be keeping you, Steve & kids in our prayers daily. Love you soooo much.

FU Denny & FA Donna.

Stevie said...

I still can't quite believe this news, but I am here to help in any way that I can. Please lean on all of us--your family and friends--because it will give us the sense of being able to actually "do" something tangible for your and your family. You will help us feel better as we help you feel better. Call me any time, day or night...I'm here for you!

Stevie said...

I love your blog--what a great idea. I still can't quite believe this news, but I am here to help in any way that I can. Please lean on all of us--your family and friends--because it will give us the sense of being able to actually "do" something tangible for your and your family. You will help us feel better as we help you feel better. Call me any time, day or night...I'm here for you!

Neil and Sandy Zachary said...

We have you and your family in our prayers! Good thoughts ate flying your way Lisa!

Neil and Sandy Zachary said...

We have you and your family in our prayers! Good thoughts are flying your way Lisa! Excuse the typo in previous message. God didn't bless me with dexterity.

Peggy said...

You are not alone Lisa! We are with you in thought and prayer every step of the way. Fight like a can't lose!

Peg & Jan

Anonymous said...

Lisa, my thoughts and prayers are with you!
If i can help you or Alec in ANY way PLEASE let me know!
I would love to help out!
Stay strong,


Jared said...

Fight like a girl! Go for the eyes!

We're praying for you!

Suzie said...

You are one of the strongest people I know. On the days when you don't feel so strong lean on those who love you. When it seems overwhelming just remember that God has a plan for you. We love you! Marc & Suzie

Aunt Wild Roz said...

Well, Sweetheart, speaking as one who has "Been there, done that", call me whenever things get a little rough...I'll walk beside you every step of the way. (Also, you know that for every rough patch you encounter, I'll have a story that's worse and be able to turn it around and make it about me so you won't feel so bad! HA!) Just remember, if God leads you to it, He'll bring you through it!

Anonymous said...

"Fight the good fight of the faith." 1 TIMOTHY 6:12
You are not alone in this fight, Lisa!
"Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified, do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." JOSHUA 1:9
I'm on my knees for you, Steve, and the kids daily. Love, Julie

Anonymous said...

You are in our thoughts and prayers. We are all here for you, Steve, and the kids. Just like the new Martina McBride song says, "Gonna love you through this".
Let us know if we can help in anyway.
Love, Tony, Carrie, CJ, Cate, and Robbie

Suncarter said...

I just heard the news and I am shocked! Too many good people are being thrown curve balls these days. You might throw like a girl but I know you can deflect like a champ. Mind of matter can beat anything I will be generating lots of positive energy.
Dig Pink, my friend....I am in your corner.
Lots of love,

C.O. said...

As always, thinking and praying for you. Thanks for posting the blog so that we can all follow the treatment. SLAY THAT CANCER! To quote a close friend that fought cancer and won, "Cancer picked the wrong Bitch to mess with!" :-) Love ya!