Friday, October 28, 2011

Everything will be alright in the end...if it's not alright, it's not the end!

Hurry up and wait seems to be a recurring theme when battling cancer...though I'm very grateful for the time consuming thoroughness of my team of doctors!

In addition to the initial cancer sight, my MRI results revealed two additional spots in each breast that needed further evaluation. So after a 2 1/2 hour bi-lateral ultrasound today (half that time was spent in the waiting room) the ultrasound radiologist did not believe those areas to be cause for concern as of now and they will repeat the MRI in 6 months.

We are still waiting on the results of the genetic tests, but should hopefully hear next week sometime.

My surgeon believes it is best to go forward with the next surgery to try to obtain clear margins, during which time she will also take lymph nodes for biopsy. The surgery date will be confirmed on Monday, October 31st and will take place sometime in the next two weeks.

And so since it's not alright yet, it is not yet the end!

God bless!



Rachel said...

Thanks for the update Lisa! You are in our thoughts and prayers. We are always here for you and wish you the very best.
xoxo, Love:
Rachel, Rich, Louie, Jade, Jewel and Rosie

Aunt Wild Roz said...

I'm pretty sure that as long as you can, you will.

Mom and Dad said...

Each day at a time. Enjoy the beautiful sunshine and fresh air this weekend. Lots of Love, Mom and Dad

Mom and Dad said...

Each Day at a time. Enjoy the fresh air and the sunshine this weekend!

Sue said...

Good things are worth waiting for.
xoxoxo Sue and Larry