Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Aw yes, it's that time of year again. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Though for me, I feel like it's been a Breast Cancer Awareness Year.

As the one year anniversary of my diagnosis approaches, I am humbled as I recall the events that have occurred in my life over the last 12 months. Had someone told me what I'd go through in detail and how I would feel when it was all over (though it will never be over), I never could have imagined it let alone thought I could survive it.

I haven't written on this blog in awhile because, well, life has been happening. As I concentrated on healing from my last surgery, I ended up getting Lymphedema, for which I now get physical therapy. I pulled my back, for which I now need physical therapy. I made a college trip with my son. I have nursed and comforted that same son back to health as he currently battles a stubborn kidney stone. And I got my first haircut...yes, I said haircut. The woman cutting my hair (and by hair, I mean ONE hair) was kind enough to humor me by pretending to cut more than she was actually able, and even kinder to refuse my payment to her.

As I said, life has been happening.

And I have come to a wonderfully profound (for me) conclusion: no matter the up or the down, each thing life throws at me makes me feel alive!

So, in case you don't hear from me for another long while, you can take heart knowing I am alive, and living my life to the fullest.




Stevie said...

This blog entry really makes me smile. You are always finding a way to open my eyes with your insights. I am in awe of your courage, wisdom and faith. Love the new 'do!

julie goette said...


Sue Groves said...

Along with some other friends who are breast cancer survivors, I will celebrate you all month!!! I am glad you have been able to maintain your optomistic outlook and continue to meet life on its have certainly had plenty "curve balls" come your way! Here's to your haircut knowing the next time you will have been more hairs to clip!


Sue Groves, BHS 5

Aunt Wild Roz said...

In that case, I hope I don't hear from you for awhile! Love you!