Today is the release of my debut book May God Bless You with an Angel! I feel so blessed and grateful to have achieved this dream of mine. It is ever more clear to me why I went through my ordeal with cancer - for I never would have been inspired, as I was, to write this book for my children.
I hope my book gives you comfort and joy, complete with the knowledge that we are all surrounded by heavenly hosts every moment of every day...for example - as part of my recovery, I have begun to try to strengthen my muscles by walking up a very challenging hill at the end of my street every day. It takes about 1 hour to do, and by the time I reach the top, even my very physically fit dogs are lagging and exhausted. Every day, about halfway up, I say to myself "Maybe we'll stop here today..." And every day, at that exact same spot, I see a bluebird perched on a tree branch nearby. I'm not speaking about a blue jay or scrub jay, I'm speaking about a BLUEBIRD! I can tell you that a bluebird sighting is rare in our area...and so I believe this little blue winged bird is a little guardian angel - sent to remind me to keep going and never give up!
Coincidence? I think not!
If you'd like to purchase my book, please support your local bookstore if possible. They can order the book as easily as Amazon or Barnes and Noble.
May God bless you all with an angel as He has blessed me with you!
What a beautiful bird and a beautiful reminder that God is looking after you.
"Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?" Matthew 6:26
Life is full of little miracles, isn't it? That is why even though life is sometimes hard, it's still good. Continued success with your writing.
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