Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Shameless Self Promotion

Dear faithful family and friends,

Warning: Shameless self promotion to follow...

Well, in addition to fighting off cancer and recovering from five surgeries (shamelessness starting now), I also managed to write a book and create a website to promote my book (self promotion starting now).

Here's where I'd love your it wasn't enough that you were there for me throughout this ordeal by sending prayers, cards, letters, gifts, meals, and more, ha! (shamelessness starting again) I would also love it if you could give this non technical gal a boost by going to my new website and 'Share It' with your friends and family as well as 'Like' me on Facebook and 'Follow Me' on Twitter!

Because my book will not launch until June 1, 2013, the information posted to the website, Facebook and Twitter will be fairly few and far between for now, but it will be all a flurry as it gets closer to my book release next summer.

I would greatly appreciate your support, as I have all along this journey, and I'm thrilled to have you along for the ride as I enter this exciting new chapter that cancer has opened up to me!

God bless and thank you!



1 comment:

Julie G. said...

Of course, I already like you and follow you!