Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Surgery Scheduled

My next surgery will be in two weeks, at which time my surgeon will try once more to achieve cancer free margins. She will also locate and remove sentinel lymph nodes using radioactive dye and a Geiger Counter. I don't expect to find out the pathology results until after the Thanksgiving weekend....which is just as well because I'm going to hope for the best and look forward to enjoying a quiet, family filled holiday.

I find myself in constant vacillation between hope and fear with no real choice but to take one moment at a time...something quite difficult for a planner like me.

As always, thank you for reaching means a lot to me and my family.

God bless,



Garth and Rita said...


I read your latest update and I can definately relate to your comment about hope and fear. I experienced those very same thoughts in regards to the big medical challenge that I experienced earlier this year. A

After dealing with these very same thoughts for all too many days, I was finally able to get peace of mind using a simple 2-step process: First asking for God's help to get you through this (which I am sure that you have already done), and then second, (which is just as critical as the first step0 -- simply recognizing and 100% trusting in God that he has you covered.

Each one of us has/will be presented with one or more challenges in life and I truly feel that when this occurs it is an opportunity to get closer to God and be more in touch with what He really wants us to do while we are in this life.

There are examples all over the Bible that substantiate this, but the one that I referenced was Psalm 23:4 NIV "Even though I walk through the darkest valley,I will fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and your Staff, they comfort me..." Whenever I had to go through any medical procedure (and there were many) I thought of this simple verse and received an immediate dose of comfort from Him.

Julie said...


The passage just before the one Garth and Rita quoted is Psalm 23:1

"The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.".....even for sugar!


Sue and Larry said...

Picture Larry doing the ooga booga dance and your thoughts will change for a least 10 seconds....
big hugs.....

Aunt Wild Roz said...

I am praying that you find peace of mind during the the upcoming weeks, and that you are able to appreciate the many things in your life for which you have to be thankful as Thanksgiving (and MY birthday) approaches. Love you!

Pip said...


Pip said...