- the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, etc., without fear; bravery.
Monday, October 6, 2014
Sunday, August 17, 2014
I'm Fifty!
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
The Unexpected Blessings of an Unexpected Book
Hi Lisa,One of the advantages I have now that I have a store is being able to watch people look at my work. Sometimes people just come in and browse and don't buy anything but it is always an honor to have people come inside.Today a really young guy came in carrying a bed roll and a backpack. He was very tan and pretty clean but pretty obviously was someone who lives on the street. He walked in and instantly walked over to my little table of books. He picked up May God Bless You With an Angel. He perused it and then asked me what one page meant. I started to explain he had just opened up the book to a page that was the middle of a thought."Oh," he said. "I guess you have to read it. Like a story?"Then he asked me how much it was. I told him. He very reluctantly put it down and said he would come back after he went to the pharmacy, but I knew that wasn't true."But getting a blessing would be pretty nice," he said as he headed out the store.I called after him and said,"You know, an unread, unowned book is not a happy book. Why don't you just take this and share it. Read it and keep it or give it away. Make the book happy. Give it a home."He seemed pretty bowled over. And it was such an odd juxtaposition, this homeless teenager and this red book with a yellow angel on it. He thanked me profusely and wished me blessings. I told him the same.So that's a nice little example of how our book blessed a kid who really needed it today.xoxoChris Shea,Your forever SoCal Pal ~ Chris Shea
Thursday, June 12, 2014
We must not only survive, we must thrive!
Monday, May 5, 2014
In the Arms of an Angel
with God at her side, as always.
Saturday, May 3, 2014
Rescued by a Rescue
Monday, April 28, 2014
Thank You Sir, May I Have Another?!
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
My revision journey told through Disney GIFs. ~ by Erica M. Chapman
I just had to post this on my blog because it so perfectly describes the writing and revision process that goes into each and every manuscript...enjoy!
My revision journey told through Disney GIFs. ~ Erica M. Chapman (www.ericamchapman.com)
I start out thinking there are SO many possibilities!
I’m so EXCITED! This is going to be the best MS I’ve revised EVER!
Then the real work begins and it seems like an endless climb…
Each step seems never-ending.
I quickly arrive at the stage where I think everything is total crap.
I start to change things I NEVER thought I would which makes me feel like I’m completely messing everything up.
Every morning I look like death.
I think I’m starting to catch a stride then something derails me.
I feel like nothing makes sense in the story anymore.
I try to add backstory and I either add too much or too little.
So I decide to start from the beginning and see what works and what doesn’t. I end up deleting some of my favorite scenes.
Then I feel like this.
I start getting pulled into different plot holes and internal monologue traps.
After putting the pieces back together and getting everything in its spot.
I regroup. Because I can’t stay in Wonderland forever.
I start climbing to the top of that wall.
Work Hard.
And make my manuscript just as beautiful as the first version, but better.
I fall, but there’s always someone to catch me.
And even though I feel like this…
And I realize how hard it is to say goodbye to a different version of my story…
I believe in this book and I want it to be the best.
It WILL be the best!
Thank you Erica M. Chapman for the Disney version of writing books!